In addition to providing square foot measurements, I can do complete floor plans of your listings. These floor plans are very detailed, and include:

  • Sq. ft. Measurements
  • Room Names
  • Room Dimensions
  • Walls
  • Windows
  • Doors
  • Stairs
  • Sinks
  • Bathtub
  • Etc.

Here’s a sample of what a detailed floor plan will look like . I send all floor plans by email in Adobe .pdf format. If you would like it in a different format like .jpg let me know.

Floor Plan Online Virtual Tours

I am a service provider for a company called Floor Plan Online, they offer very nice interactive floor plan virtual tours. If you are interested in having a detailed floor plan done on a property, I would strongly urge you to consider using this company. I can do a detailed floor plan for you, either privately or through Floor Plan Online. The reason I recommend doing it through Floor Plan Online is because of how it is presented to buyers. When you look at a sample tour the professionalism and quality will speak for itself. For more information on Floor Plan Online Tours call me at 516-567-5550, or email me at

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